The Importance of Hydration for STRENGTH TRAINING
Train Harder. Build More Muscle. Recover Faster.
Hydrus is changing the way strength athletes such as powerlifters are able to approach their workouts, by allowing them to stay hydrated during intense training sessions and in competitions. Better hydration means better results.

Is Hydrus better than what you’re using?
Hydrus is the new science of hydration. Hydrus’ Nanosome™ technology encapsulates water and electrolytes within nano-particles, which absorb into the bloodstream faster and more effectively than traditional sports drink products. Hydrus does it without the need for sugar. Hydrus is all about absorption. Hydrus contains natural flavors and Stevia, so it tastes really good and is good for you. We're confident that nothing compares to Hydrus for effective hydration. We know that "You will feel the difference Hydrus makes."
It’s all about absorption.
Test results show a clear superiority in water and electrolyte absorption when compared with traditional oral rehydration solutions such as sports drinks. Hydrus begins absorbing instantly in the mouth. After passing through the stomach, Hydrus delivers water and electrolytes into the bloodstream and to cells throughout the body. In short, Hydrus helps you rehydrate faster.
For serious, even extreme, rehydration needs, Hydrus gets it done.
Better hydration, as a planned part of your routine, will result in superior muscle function and strength gains that you could not otherwise achieve. Good habits add value to your workout and proper hydration is an extremely important habit to be aware of and to practice.
If you’re not using the best science available you won’t get the best results possible.
Strength training creates huge demands on your physiology. The need for rapid blood volume (fluid) in the muscles is fast and intense. At the same time the stress created raises the core temperature very quickly and forces the heart to work faster and harder to sustain power. The body badly wants to release core heat by pushing more blood to the skin while the muscles are crying out for more fuel carried by the blood. You burn a lot of fuel and lose a lot of electrolytes and water through heavy sweating. Your muscles cry out for relief. Hydrate them fast and effectively or face cramping.
Hydrus' revolutionary electrolyte delivery speeds vital salts and minerals to the bloodstream and the muscles faster and more effectively by encapsulating them in exclusive NanosomeTM technology. Water and electrolytes absorption are the key to hydration. Nothing is better than Hydrus for improving your physical and mental acuity due to dehydration. You can feel the difference Hydrus makes.
Hydrus is changing the way strength athletes are able to approach their workouts and lifting capacity, by allowing them to rapidly replenish water and electrolytes to stay hydrated during intense training sessions and in competition.

World Record Champion Power Lifter
Dave Hoff may not be the athlete you think of when you think of hydration, but Dave had serious dehydration problems before he started using Hydrus. Dave has the highest three-lift total of any power lifter: 3005 lbs. As well as world records in the bench press and squat.
“Before Hydrus, I had a lot of cramping problems when lifting heavy. During contests, my legs would cramp after heavy squat attempts and I often had to ice them down or even take an I.V. to rehydrate between attempts. Since using Hydrus, I've had no cramping problems, even on my record lifts." - Dave
Dave also uses Hydrus as part of his daily training regimen
“Even low levels of dehydration can have a serious impact on peak muscle contraction, or power. So I drink Hydrus before, during and after training to make sure my muscles are fully hydrated. It lets me train harder and recover faster." – Dave
“Before Hydrus, I had a lot of cramping problems when lifting heavy. During contests, my legs would cramp after heavy squat attempts and I often had to ice them down or even take an I.V. to rehydrate between attempts. Since using Hydrus, I've had no cramping problems, even on my record lifts." - Dave
Power Hydration for a power couple

Hydrus allows strength athletes to attack workouts with higher intensity. With quicker recovery and reduced cramping through optimal hydration, rest days become a choice, not a must.
Shane Sweatt and Laura Phelps-Sweatt are a power couple.
Laura is a champion powerlifter and holds world records in the bench press, squat and total.
Shane is one of the nation’s most respected strength coaches, and is a CrossFit Powerlifting Trainer/Course instructor.
Together, they own CrossFit Conjugate and the Sweatt Shop, two elite gyms in Cincinnati. Laura has been training with Hydrus Performance Beverage for over two years.
The importance of hydration for athletic performance

“Proper hydration is one of the most overlooked factors in athletic performance. A 2% level of dehydration is noticeable. A 5% level can result in up to 30% loss in aerobic capacity, and a 45% loss in capacity for VO2max training. So many bodily functions are impacted. Dehydration dramatically decreases muscle function including the ability to dissipate heat, muscle lubrication, less efficient glycogen utilization, and delivery of oxygen." – Shane
“For me, recovery is a major factor. Well-hydrated muscles recover faster with less soreness." – Laura
The Impact of Hydrus on Training
“When I started using Hydrus, I experienced an almost immediate increase in work capacity. I did a lot conditioning training before becoming a powerlifter. With the switch in focus to strength and power training, my conditioning suffered because I found it hard to do both. With Hydrus, I found I was able to integrate conditioning back into my training and now can do 3-4 WOD’s a week, or other conditioning training, without affecting my strength training. I also recover from competitions a lot faster, which helps maintain my gains." – Laura
“For me, recovery is a major factor. Well-hydrated muscles recover faster with less soreness." – Laura
“Instead of taking a week or more off after competitions, with Hydrus, Laura can compete hard on Saturday and train again on Monday." - Shane
You will feel the difference Hydrus makes.
(Check our athlete blogs to see what the pros are doing!)
FAQ'S for Strength Training with Hydrus
Q: Can I drink Hydrus during a workout?
Yes, drinking Hydrus during a workout helps to replace electrolytes immediately and will not make you bloated or nauseous.
Q: Is Hydrus safe to use if I am drug tested?
Hydrus contains no banned substances and has a pure manufacturing process.
Q: Can I mix Hydrus with other liquids?
We don't recommend mixing Hydrus with liquids other than water.
Q: Should I drink Hydrus just on training days or is it ok for off days?
Hydrus can be taken all days — on off/rest days as recovery or pre-hydration — and on training days for performance.
Q: Will the sodium in Hydrus cause me to retain water if I am cutting up or cutting weight?
We do recommend stopping Hydrus 24-48 hours before weight cut or any weight management regiment.